Upload projects

There are three main methods to upload projects to 3S Cloud Render Farm: directly uploading to our website, using 3S Cloud Desktop, or sync from Dropbox/Google Drive.

You can upload .zip files, but other archived files haven't been supported yet. We are putting more effort to support them soon.

In order to avoid missing assets, please keep in mind that:

  • We recommend simulating the local path before uploading your projects. You can find the instruction from tips for each software.

After making sure that you followed the above instruction, let's go to the next steps.

  1. Solution 1: Use 3S Cloud Desktop

  • Step 1. Download and install the appropriate installer with your operating system, then log in to 3S Cloud Desktop with your credentials.

We support uploading with 3S Cloud Desktop on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

  • Step 2. Go to "Launch Render" or "File Manager" to upload your projects

Go to "Launch Render" or "File Manager"
  • Step 3. Select Files/Folder you need to render then click "Upload" to send it to our render farm

    • For Houdini, C4D, 3ds Max, Maya, you should select "Keep Local Path" before uploading

    • You can exclude Files/Folders you do not want to upload by entering its name then click "Add", for instance:

      • Folder "A", enter: A/

      • File "B", enter: B

In order to see the files/folders you selected, you can expand "Upload Progress" to check.

  1. Solution 2: Click on the red area below or drag & drop Files/Folders to upload projects to 3S Cloud Render Farm.

Directly upload to our website

3. Solution 3: Connect your project folder from/to Dropbox and Google Drive

Connect to Google Drive or Dropbox

If you have any difficulties or questions, do not hesitate to tell 3S for further support. We are always happy to talk to you!

3S Cloud Render Farm currently supports Blender, Houdini, Cinema 4D, Maya, 3ds Max.

Last updated